#Clawbies2018 Nominations

It’s Clawbies time!  We nominate the following blogs for the 2018 Canadian Law Blog Awards. Click here for more details on #Clawbies2018 and click here for a great list of Canadian Law Blogs to add to your reading list.  We blog weekly and get plenty of inspiration and wisdom from our fellow legal blogging community. There are many to choose from, but here are 3 of our favourites:

1) Macleod Law Firm’s Navigating The Employment Law Waters –https://www.macleodlawfirm.ca/employers/blog-2/

The lawyers at Macleod Law are on the ball and quick to provide relevant and timely info in concise and readable posts. They’ve also made the innovative move to put out two different blogs, one for employers and one for employees.

2) Precedent: New Rules of Law and Style –https://lawandstyle.ca/

This is not a new blog, but it remains current, sometimes spicey and always a great, behind-the-scenes alternative to the heavy work side of law. Lawyers are people too.

3) Of Counsel Podcast –https://robichaudlaw.ca/podcast/

Sean Robichaud has managed to interview a very broad and impressive range of lawyers over 2018. He asks insightful questions and gets interesting and relevant information from the guest. Each show leaves us with plenty to think about and inspiration for practice development and the role of lawyers in the current legal environment.
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