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Employees We advise employees in any stage of their employment, from contracts and day to day work issues, to termination package review and negotiations. Services for

Executives bring a level of management and often legal experience to the table.  They typically have more complex compensation schemes and have already sorted through the basic legal entitlements of their matter.

We respect that all employees want to take ownership of their legal matter, and we keep a flexible approach to match the specific legal needs of the individual client in front of us.  We offer either Limited Scope Representation or Full Representation solutions for executives and employees.

We provide legal and strategic advice for employees throughout their employment relationship, including:

  • Reviewing executive employment contract terms, such as compensation plans, termination entitlements and restrictive covenants
  • Navigating disability and parental leaves of senior level employees
  • Advising employees during a workplace investigation
  • Providing strategic advice during promotions, demotions and constructive dismissals
  • Negotiating termination packages, either directly or behind the scenes
  • Wrongful dismissal litigation

Have you been fired?
Looking for DIY help you can afford?

All terminations are hard, but not all terminations are legally complex. This detailed and comprehensive DIY guide is written to help you answer your questions and to arm you with tools and information to figure out your rights and to make a smart decision about your next steps.Our eBook will help you navigate the issues, process and strategy to handle your own termination.

Click here for more info

Limited Scope Representation

The LSR approach lets you retain full control of your matter and determine the scope of legal services required. Some clients prefer to do what they can and pull in legal help for those limited aspects of the matter that they require additional support for, or for the big picture strategic legal advice to ensure they are on the right track.

Full Representation

Other individuals prefer to hand over the mess to a fellow professional and let us run with it, always instructing on decisions to take, but stepping back and handing over both the legal strategic work and the day-to-day representation.

Client Value Manifesto

We know you’re smart and can participate as a partner in your legal issues. They’re your legal issues, after all.

The Client Value Manifesto is our commitment to each client to match the delivery of our legal services with your specific needs and expectations.

So You’ve Been Fired – eBook

Oh No! You’ve Been Fired!

It’s normal to have a lot of worry and questions when you lose your job. Our aim with this guide is to help you answer your questions and to arm you with tools and information so that you can figure out your rights and make a smart decision about your next steps.

FAQs for Employees

We know that you need the information, background and ultimately, gut feeling to know whether SpringLaw is for you.

We have compiled the commonly asked questions. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

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